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Animated Gif Android Library

Animated Graphics in Android

Animated Vector Drawables

Animated Vector Drawables (AVDs) are XML-based animations that can be created and previewed in Android Studio. They offer a number of advantages over traditional animations, including:

  • Smaller file sizes
  • Smoother animations
  • Support for complex animations
  • Ability to tint and transform animations

To create an AVD, simply create a new XML file in your project's res/drawable directory and give it a .xml extension. Then, add the following code to the file:

<animated-vector xmlns:android="" android:drawable="@drawable/your_drawable"> <target android:name="your_target"> <animation android:animation="@animator/your_animation" /> </target> </animated-vector>

In this code, your_drawable is the name of the drawable resource that you want to animate, your_target is the name of the target element that you want to animate, and your_animation is the name of the animator resource that you want to use to animate the target. For a detailed tutorial, visit How to Create Animated Vector Drawables.

Animated GIFs

Animated GIFs are a popular way to add animation to your Android apps. To display an animated GIF in your app, you can use the GifDrawable class. To use the GifDrawable class, simply create a new instance of the class and pass it the path to the GIF file. Then, you can set the GifDrawable as the drawable for an ImageView.

GifDrawable gifDrawable = new GifDrawable(pathToGifFile); ImageView imageView = findViewById(; imageView.setImageDrawable(gifDrawable);

For more information, visit How to Display Animated GIFs in Android .

Here are some additional resources for learning more about animated graphics in Android:
